February Newsletter

In case you missed it…


Welcome to the QHSE ABERDEEN LIMITED Newsletter! Our goal is to provide you with valuable insights and any updates on Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment (QHSE) topics in a concise and time-efficient manner. In this issue, we will focus on ISO Management System Certification Body Audits.

What to expect on your Certification Body Audit

QHSE ABERDEEN often gets asked by clients and organisations enquiring about ISO Certification, and what it all entails.  The Certification Body Audit is always a common question, so this is a summarised rundown of what it may involve.

An overview of Stage 1 and Stage 2 audits conducted by a UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) Certification Body:

Stage 1 Audit: (Objective – Determine the organisation’s readiness for the Stage 2 Audit)

  1. Introduction and Documentation Review: The Stage 1 audit typically begins with an introduction to the auditee’s organisation and key personnel. The auditor reviews the documented management system, including policies, procedures, and manuals.
  2. Site Assessment: The auditor conducts a site visit to understand the organisation’s operations, processes, and context. The purpose is to identify any potential gaps between the existing management system and the requirements of the specific relevant standard(s) (e.g., ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001).
  3. Risk Assessment: Risk assessment and identification of significant aspects and impacts are crucial during this stage. The auditor assesses how well the organisation has identified and addressed risks and opportunities related to quality, health, safety, and environmental aspects (in relation to the requirements of the specific relevant standard(s).
  4. Management System Understanding: The auditor evaluates the organisation’s understanding of its management system, ensuring that key elements are in place and functioning effectively.
  5. Preparation for Stage 2: The Stage 1 audit concludes with a report outlining findings, readiness for the Stage 2 audit, and any Areas of Concern (that could be classified as a non-conformance during the stage 2 audit). The auditee is provided with guidance to address identified gaps before the Stage 2 audit.

Stage 2 Audit: (Objective – Evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of the organisation’s management system)

  1. Detailed Evaluation: The Stage 2 audit involves a more in-depth examination of the management system’s implementation. The auditor evaluates the effectiveness of the system in meeting the specified standards.
  2. Process Verification: Verification of key processes is conducted to ensure they conform to the documented management system. This may involve interviews, observations, and document reviews to validate the system’s effectiveness.
  3. Compliance Assessment: The auditor assesses whether the organisation’s practices align with the requirements of the chosen standards. Any non-conformities are identified, and evidence of corrective actions taken in response to Stage 1 findings is reviewed.
  4. Effectiveness of Controls: The auditor evaluates the effectiveness of the controls in place for quality, health, safety, and environmental aspects (as appropriate to the specific reference standards). Monitoring, measurement, analysis, and evaluation processes are scrutinized.
  5. Closing Meeting and Reporting: The Stage 2 audit concludes with a closing meeting, where the auditor provides a summary of findings and whether or not, the auditor will be recommending certification. A detailed audit report is subsequently submitted, outlining any non-conformities and/or Opportunities For Improvement.
  6. Certification Decision: The certification body, based on the Stage 2 audit findings, decides whether to grant certification or not.

Throughout both stages, effective communication and collaboration between the auditor and the auditee are crucial to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the organisation’s management system and a successful certification process.

We hope this has helped clear up any unknowns for you.

For any Organisations requiring assistance with ISO Management Systems, whether it be Implementation or just assistance with the Certification Body Audits, thenQHSE ABERDEEN LIMITED is on hand with a team of Lead Auditors to help every step of the way.




See a list of Auditor courses we deliver below.

QUALITY ISO 9001 Foundation

ISO 9001 Internal Auditor

ISO 9001 Lead Auditor

ENVIRONMENTAL ISO 14001 Foundation

ISO 14001 Internal Auditor

ISO 14001 Lead Auditor

HEALTH & SAFETY ISO 45001 Foundation

ISO 45001 Internal Auditor

ISO 45001 Lead Auditor

INTEGRATED SYSTEM ISO 9/14/45 IMS Internal Auditor


On Friday 19th January we had our first Team day at The Chester Hotel.

As we stride into 2024, we wanted to share a glimpse of the vibrant energy that fuelled our first Team Day of the year! At QHSE ABERDEEN LIMITED, we believe in the power of unity and collaboration, where every voice, from the directors to each valued team member, plays a crucial role in shaping our journey. Setting our Objectives for the year ahead was our first goal (practicing what we preach!) 😊

We also witnessed enlightening presentations, each unveiling a piece of the grand puzzle that is our strategic plan for the year. As we delved into discussions, ideas flowed seamlessly, paving the way for a roadmap that truly mirrors the collective vision of our incredible team.

In the spirit of recognition and appreciation, we faced a delightful dilemma – how to choose just one outstanding contributor? The answer was simple… we couldn’t! Hence, the grand finale included not one, not two, but three prestigious Employee Recognition Awards. Each recipient stood as a testament to the exceptional dedication and passion that defines our QHSE ABERDEEN LIMITED family. Well done Helen McInnes for Customer Service Champion, Jane Pack for Top Performer and Aileen Dunnett for Positive Attitude Awards! 🏆

Congratulations to the whole team, together we make QHSE ABERDEEN LIMITED ❤️

Team Strategy Planning Day

How do you set your objectives and capture consultation and participation within your organisation?

Hopefully you will already have read our January Set Objectives Article, but if  not you can find it here..

HSE Updates..

HSE will check how asbestos is managed when visiting a range of buildings – like schools and hospitals – requiring those responsible for managing asbestos risks to ensure they have the right arrangements in place.

Next Month ..

We talk about the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and due to client demand we talk about Environmental Management and Carbon Measurements

Carbon Reporting

That’s all for this issue of our QHSE Newsletter! We hope you found the information valuable and time well-spent. Remember, investing in QHSE best practices leads to improved performance, increased stakeholder confidence, and a safer work environment. Stay tuned for our next issue, packed with more useful tips and updates.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, suggestions, or topics you’d like us to cover. Until next time, stay safe, and keep up the great work!

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